Project Dengke - Local hero riding a horse
One person cannot change the world
but we can change the world for one person
  • Background


    Find out about the history of Project Dengke and the story of how it all began...

  • International Friendship Centre - Built in a traditional Tibetan style

    International Friendship Centre

    Established in the heart of Dengke, the centre enables us to reach out to the locals in need...

  • The winding River Yangtze going up towards Dengke


    The focus of our efforts is this small remote town, hidden away on the Tibetan Plateau...


欢迎您与我们一起去追溯邓柯项目的故事及其起源,去解读Mel Richardson教授20年前对这个小镇许下的承诺。

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Join a team and see first-hand what a difference you can make to the people of Dengke.

Respond to the urgent physical and spiritual needs!

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