Project Dengke - Local hero riding a horse
One person cannot change the world
but we can change the world for one person
International Friendship Centre in Dengke - built in Tibetan style
International Friendship Centre in Dengke

International Friendship Centre

The International Friendship Centre is located in the heart of Dengke, on land provided by a local doctor, WuJin. The centre itself serves multiple purposes and functions:

  • Teaching & training facility
  • Base of operations; oganising and co-ordinating projects whilst in Dengke
  • Accommodation for teams
  • Place to see patients, with potential for medical wing
  • Place to welcome other local visitors in need of assistance
  • Potential location to set up future ventures, e.g. eco-tourism

Establishing a more concrete presence through the construction of the Friendship Centre had long been the vision of the project. Now that vision has been accomplished, the friendship centre assists in meeting the needs of the locals and fulfilling the goals and promises which were set and spoken at the beginning.

Read more about Dengke and the vision.


Teams of volunteers have been travelling to Dengke for over 20 years to provide aid and assistance to the locals.

Because of the extreme remoteness of the town, many wonder how Dengke became the destination for these "mercy missions."

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Dengke is a small rural town on the banks of the River Yangtze, hidden away on the Tibetan Plateau in Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China.

The remoteness, isolation and surrounding mountainous area bring many challenges for locals.

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